A summary of the release notes from September 2020 on updates made to the Customer Portal.
Changes on the SMS section
New contact button to be able to add a contact from the main screen.
Shortcut to Contacts
A new button that takes into the Contacts section within the “Extension” Module.
“Company Name” & “Tittle” are now available fields in Contact’s form.
Two new fields were added to the form: “Company Name” and “Title.”
Send out a Fax confirmation email: both for success or abandoned
Users will have the option to receive an email notification on the Status of an outbound fax attempt. This will be enabled by default, and the user can disable it from the Customer Portal.
Being able to delete multiple voicemails from the system
It is now possible to delete multiple voicemails from the systems. To do this, you should select the checkboxes for the voicemails to be deleted and then hit the Delete button at the top right.
Paging Module
New module added to PBX section for Paging.
“Number” field on a Ring Group is now a required field
A validation was added to guarantee that the “Number” field for a Ring Group is not left empty when being created.
Time condition fix when expanded through the whole day
This was a bug fix. The system was not allowing to set a time condition throughout the day, for example, from 12 AM today to 12 AM tomorrow. When the users expanded the selection, the system was interpreting it from 12 to 12 on the same day. We needed the system to default the selection from 12 AM to 11:59 PM on a given day.
“Contact Us” bug from Dashboard.
This was a system bug. When clicking on the Contact Us option from the Dashboard screen, it was not working. After the update, it should take to this section.