How are taxes calculated?

A summary of how GreenLink calculates your taxes for billing purposes every month.

To calculate taxes on your bill, GreenLink relies on state taxes regulations, federal taxes regulations, and FCC fees for telecom services.

We connect to the government tax databases to calculate taxes at the time of billing. This allows for automation of the tax billing portion when billing is processed. 

Aspects to consider when it comes to taxes and billing:

  • Each state will have its own taxes.
  • Some taxes might change from month to month, every three months, every six, and so on.
  • Some taxes might be common for all states and all billing. I.E. The Universal Service Fund Tax.
  • When processing your invoice, our billing system connects to a real-time tax database that calculates taxes based on your current services with GreenLink.

Please note:

The taxes and fees on the invoice are the required telecom taxes and fees imposed by the state and federal taxing authorities. 

We review your invoices with our regulatory and compliance team. In our review,  we see the state taxes for telecom services.  The other fees are the required FCC fees and 911. 

GreenLink does not add any additional fees to invoices.  We collect the taxes and fees on behalf of the entities and pay them as a pass-through.  When we process an invoice, our billing system connects to a real-time tax database that calculates the taxes based on your services.